SM5 2 is a postcode sector in Sutton, UK. Below is a complete list of SM5 2 Postcodes (Active). SM5 2 postcode sector comprises of 221 active postcodes. SM5 2 sector has a population of 11229, and it has 4767 properties in the region.
Population | 11229 |
Addresses / Property Count | 4767 |
Active Postcodes | 221 |
Nearby Postcode Districts | 6 |
Nearby Postcode Sectors | 4 |
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Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Households | Population | Easting | Northing |
SM5 2AA | 51.37881600 | -0.16894300 | 37 | 104 | 527531 | 166009 |
SM5 2AD | 51.36889300 | -0.16010500 | 62 | 162 | 528174 | 164921 |
SM5 2AE | 51.36888300 | -0.15887000 | 25 | 67 | 528260 | 164922 |
SM5 2AF | 51.37892600 | -0.16847900 | 30 | 75 | 527563 | 166022 |
SM5 2AG | 51.38005200 | -0.16801700 | 29 | 68 | 527592 | 166148 |
SM5 2AH | 51.37848600 | -0.16734700 | 19 | 48 | 527643 | 165975 |
SM5 2AJ | 51.37723800 | -0.16693700 | 18 | 43 | 527675 | 165837 |
SM5 2AL | 51.37701100 | -0.16737700 | 20 | 55 | 527645 | 165811 |
SM5 2AN | 51.36886300 | -0.16159700 | 18 | 59 | 528070 | 164915 |
SM5 2AQ | 51.37920800 | -0.16751900 | 27 | 70 | 527629 | 166055 |
SM5 2AR | 51.37448000 | -0.17167400 | 8 | 24 | 527353 | 165522 |
SM5 2AS | 51.37437800 | -0.17205200 | 6 | 20 | 527327 | 165510 |
SM5 2AT | 51.38010700 | -0.16006900 | 13 | 67 | 528145 | 166168 |
SM5 2AU | 51.36633600 | -0.15875600 | 5 | 8 | 528275 | 164639 |
SM5 2AW | 51.37574300 | -0.17141200 | N/A | N/A | 527368 | 165663 |
SM5 2AX | 51.37889800 | -0.16499200 | N/A | N/A | 527806 | 166025 |
SM5 2AY | 51.38043000 | -0.16231200 | 57 | 135 | 527988 | 166200 |
SM5 2AZ | 51.38002700 | -0.16296000 | 38 | 86 | 527944 | 166154 |
SM5 2BA | 51.37936100 | -0.16295800 | 26 | 55 | 527946 | 166080 |
SM5 2BB | 51.37841400 | -0.16217700 | 41 | 103 | 528003 | 165976 |
SM5 2BD | 51.37903900 | -0.16305700 | 24 | 58 | 527940 | 166044 |
SM5 2BE | 51.37821200 | -0.16313700 | 65 | 163 | 527937 | 165952 |
SM5 2BG | 51.38006700 | -0.16379200 | 31 | 88 | 527886 | 166157 |
SM5 2BH | 51.37829000 | -0.16632000 | 24 | 66 | 527715 | 165955 |
SM5 2BJ | 51.37829400 | -0.16541500 | 15 | 40 | 527778 | 165957 |
SM5 2BL | 51.37743700 | -0.16757600 | 26 | 64 | 527630 | 165858 |
SM5 2BN | 51.37726200 | -0.16900500 | 24 | 69 | 527531 | 165836 |
SM5 2BP | 51.37661200 | -0.16829800 | 18 | 51 | 527582 | 165765 |
SM5 2BQ | 51.37834400 | -0.16405100 | 44 | 88 | 527873 | 165965 |
SM5 2BS | 51.37668400 | -0.16944500 | 13 | 23 | 527502 | 165771 |
SM5 2BW | 51.37790600 | -0.16877800 | 18 | 47 | 527545 | 165908 |
SM5 2DE | 51.37626800 | -0.16071400 | 6 | 17 | 528111 | 165740 |
SM5 2DG | 51.37242600 | -0.17266400 | N/A | N/A | 527290 | 165292 |
SM5 2DH | 51.37376200 | -0.16316800 | 24 | 61 | 527947 | 165457 |
SM5 2DL | 51.37296500 | -0.16623100 | 17 | 22 | 527736 | 165363 |
SM5 2DN | 51.37238200 | -0.16579800 | 16 | 41 | 527768 | 165299 |
SM5 2DP | 51.37367000 | -0.16878900 | 36 | 89 | 527556 | 165437 |
SM5 2DQ | 51.37465400 | -0.16215500 | 9 | 23 | 528015 | 165558 |
SM5 2DR | 51.37537200 | -0.16953000 | 32 | 68 | 527500 | 165625 |
SM5 2DS | 51.37302200 | -0.16879000 | 13 | 25 | 527558 | 165365 |
SM5 2DT | 51.37258300 | -0.17001400 | 35 | 76 | 527474 | 165314 |
SM5 2DU | 51.37277700 | -0.17034800 | 22 | 58 | 527450 | 165335 |
SM5 2DW | 51.37244700 | -0.16760300 | 18 | 36 | 527642 | 165303 |
SM5 2DX | 51.37302800 | -0.16969100 | 6 | 13 | 527495 | 165364 |
SM5 2DY | 51.37345700 | -0.17069800 | 54 | 121 | 527424 | 165410 |
SM5 2DZ | 51.37243000 | -0.16425600 | 51 | 92 | 527875 | 165307 |
SM5 2EA | 51.37304900 | -0.17101200 | 12 | 32 | 527403 | 165364 |
SM5 2EB | 51.37311500 | -0.17009000 | 33 | 86 | 527467 | 165373 |
SM5 2ED | 51.37547400 | -0.16167700 | 43 | 65 | 528046 | 165650 |
SM5 2EE | 51.37567700 | -0.16142400 | 36 | 45 | 528063 | 165673 |